I've been making VR Experiences since 2015, I have been 3D modeling, animating and coding since 2010.
I currently specialize in Unity3D.
As a Technical Artist, I emphasis development on visual aesthetics and the technical execution of creating unique effects and gamplay mechanics. I focus on rapid prototyping of game mechanics and game building tools to speed the build process and map out important workflows early on in development
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Current Public Project

Partnered with the Seattle Public Library (SPL), I have been developing a Virtual Reality application for browsing digitized artifacts from the SPL Special Colllections which houses unique and rare books, images and other historical artifacts related to Seattle History.
Scanned artifacts and their metadata are pulled from the library database at runtime, allowing newly scaned items to automatically be available in the Virtual Library Space.
As part of the project, I am educating and directing college students from UW's iSchool and Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Program in the development of VR content based on the historical records in the SPL Special Collections. The next public demo is anticipated in September 2019.
Recently Published Games

SoundStream Featuring DJ OtterTune ( AR/Android/ Bose Wareables)