Projects in Active Development
In Game Artwork from MissileMania
Using the Unity 5.6, custom illuminated displacement shader made using Shaderforge combined with PostProcessing Stack (v1). Interactable Artwork was mapped 1:1 with realworld objects. the Turret rail was mapped to the back of a chair and the Shield Generator was mapped to a Vive Tracker on a tripod to allow for tactile interaction and placement with ingame objects

In Game Artwork from Lith (Rapid Prototype of Main Game Loop)
Using the Unity 2017.3, custom state shader for blocks that controlls illumination and color. Custom Transperancy Shader for Hyper dash visualeffect on UV unwraped Cylindrical forground with Coroutine controller Aplha value. I modified the original Player Model provided by Terence Toleman, in Blender to add Color, cleaned up topology, Rigged and animated for using in gameplay, and created the Animator(State Machine) and Character Controller Script.