Projects in Active Development
Cross Platform Moble-to-VR Arrayed Destructable Buildings with LOD Groups
For prototyping a destructable city that works simultaniosly on both HTC Vive and Android OS Mobile Phones, we needed to consider the computational power of the phones as the limiting factor in designing the scene. To reduce the rendering cost of drawing the city for mobile players, buildings made of segmented Level of Detail (LOD) Groups are employed so that buildings farther from the mobile camera use simpler geometry. Each LOD uses there own set of ridgid bodies which do not interact with the other LODs' rigidbodies within thier own building (else the building would explode on starting the scene). to speed development, the buildings are dynamicaly arrayed in the Unity Editor, allowing for the building height to be set in the inspector.

Contextual Object VR Menus
GameObjects can have their own unique options. By pointing at opject, the objects unique options are added to the default menu.